Our company
We are an innovative company in the manufacture, distribution and furnishing of office spaces, corporate, school and hospital furniture, among others; through the creation of harmonious environments that allow us to improve the productivity of our clients by offering the most innovative, comfortable products and with the best finishes.
GEZCO SAS is a Valle del Cauca company that is beginning to be recognized in central and western Colombia thanks to the quality of the goods that make up its portfolio and the unofficial effort it puts into each of the tasks in which it undertakes. Convinced that, joining the best efforts, we contribute to the development of our Nation.
As designers and suppliers of the open office line and furniture for the school, hospital and office lines, we supply different markets. In the development of this purpose we have focused our interest in decisively entering public sector entities and participating in all tenders and types of contracting.
The intention is that you know about our firm and integrate us into your select list of suppliers so that in every need that has to do with our object, we are called to participate. Our representative is able to delve into all the details of each and every one of the products that make up our portfolio of goods and services.
Creators of their own style
To be an innovative organization in the manufacture and furnishing of office spaces, through the creation of harmonious environments that allow us to improve the productivity of our clients.
By the year 2025, we will position ourselves in the market as a company of recognized regional prestige in the departments that make up the southwest and coffee axis (Valle, Cauca, Nariño, Quindío, Caldas and Risaralda), through the distribution and furnishing of spaces on the line of office.